Founded in 1996
With a strong entrepreneurial spirit, Neil Robbins founds Insurcomm strictly as an insurance related reconstruction company. He hires two employees and together, from a 2k sq. ft. warehouse, they service the Seacoast of New Hampshire and Maine.
Welcome Mike Brown
Having met in their college days at the Wentworth Institute of Technology, Mike Brown partners up with Neil. With their Construction Management degrees and hustle, they begin to grow the business.
Portsmouth Expansion
Insurcomm continues growing in numbers with ten employees now and a new 5k sq. ft. warehouse on Lafayette Road in Portsmouth. Neil and Mike are committed to providing the best in craftsmanship with the best in customer service and satisfaction.
Expansion into Massachusetts
An addition of 4800 sq. ft. of warehouse space is added to support Insurcomm’s growing business and reputation. Now with 15 employees, Neil and Mike start doing business in Massachusetts.
Insurcomm Expands to Eighteen Employees
Insurcomm begins providing the best of mitigation by hiring three additional employees and 50 pieces of drying equipment. There are still 15 other loyal employees focused on construction and remodeling.
Expansion Across New England
Neil and Mike are growing Insurcomm at an outstanding pace, while keeping their fingers on the pulse of complete customer satisfaction. Now with 30 employees operating in three states, and 400 pieces of equipment, they begin a Contents DIvision.
Insurcomm Becomes One-Stop Shop for Customers
More specialty equipment is needed as Insurcomm continues to provide its customers with a one-stop shop experience, so an additional 300 pieces are added.
Insurcomm Builds World Class Headquarters Serving all of New England

Insurcomm begins to service all six New England states with 800 pieces of inventoried equipment, and over 50 dedicated, energetic, and certified employees. The time was perfect to build and move into a brand new 42k sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility/headquarters, located at 290 Heritage Avenue in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Insurcomm Opens Burlington, MA Branch Office
Insurcomm expands with new Boston office as a trusted partner for Massachusetts homeowners, property management companies, commercial building operators, and insurance companies.
Focused on Customers and Community – Insurcomm Looks to the Future
With a constant eye on providing the best service possible, Neil and Mike now offer Continuing Education classes and courses in conjunction with the New Hampshire Association of Insurance Agents. As Insurcomm moves forward toward 2018, their focus continues to be on pleasing their clients, appreciating their employees, and giving back to their community.
Insurcomm Opens Portland, ME Branch Office
Insurcomm expands with new Portland, ME office as a trusted partner for Maine homeowners, property management companies, commercial building operators, and insurance companies.
Insurcomm Begins Work For The Federal Government
Insurcomm begins work as a subcontractor with prime contractors.
Insurcomm Issued General Services Administration
Insurcomm is issued General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) for emergency response for all federal government agencies.
Neil Robbins becomes sole owner of Insurcomm
Insurcomm Begins Large Loss Work Across The Country
Insurcomm begins to work across various states to aid in natural disaster-related areas.
Insurcomm Joins Together With Summit Partners
This partnership is a pivotal step in Insurcomm’s commitment to maintaining the highest level of service for their customers.