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12 Generator Safety Tips

12 Tips For Generator Safety - Insurcomm

There are times that you must use a generator for power at your home or business, so it is essential to have this equipment available when you need it. Here are the most common reasons for using a generator: 

  • Requiring power for essential medical devices 
  • Requiring power for space heaters or an air conditioner 
  • To provide power for security equipment 
  • Preventing food spoilage 
  • Removing water from a basement 
  • Coping with power outages 

If you are going to use a generator, then safety has to be a top priority. Here are 12 tips to follow when using a generator. 

Tip 1: Keep a Generator Outside 

Never use a generator inside because it emits dangerous fumes. Avoid using a generator on a covered porch or close to trees where there isn’t enough ventilation. 

Tip 2: Plug the Generator into the Inlet Box or Transfer Switch 

You can’t plug a generator into a regular wall outlet because it won’t have any protection from surges. Doing so can both damage your generator as well as the electrical system in your home. It is always best to have a licensed electrician perform all hookups and walk you through how to operate the unit.   

Tip 3: Turning On the Generator 

Make sure to turn on the generator first before plugging in other equipment or appliances. Don’t overload the generator with too many devices because it can harm the equipment. 

Tip 4: Keep the Generator Dry 

It is dangerous to use a wet generator, so you must place the equipment on a dry surface, and also, protect it from rainwater or snowmelt. 

Tip 5: Add Fuel to the Generator Correctly 

If you have a fuel-operated generator, then turn the machine off until it cools completely. Add the proper fuel carefully to avoid any problems from explosions or flames. 

Tip 6: Read the Generator’s Manual 

Always read the generator’s operating manual before using the equipment, and also, make sure to read it again if it has been a while since you last used the device. 

Tip 7: Turn the Generator in the Proper Direction 

Make that the exhaust gases from your generator are not entering a home or any other structure. These gases are often lethal for animals and people. 

Tip 8: Choose the Right Type of Extension Cord for Your Generator 

When you need an extension cord for your generator, make sure to buy the right type. A flimsy extension cord that you would use for a lamp at home isn’t suitable for a generator. Instead, make sure to get a higher gauge extension cord. 

Tip 9: Stay Near the Generator 

Don’t leave a generator alone while it is in operation, especially when you have children or family pets. Teach your children to stay away from the generator at all times. 

Tip 10: Wear Gloves While Working with the Generator 

A generator gets hot quickly, so you should make sure to wear gloves while handling the device. Look for gloves that have heat-resistant material. 

Tip 11: Store Generator Fuel Safely 

When you use fuel for a generator rather than using electricity, you must store it safely. Use the proper containers for the fuel and place the containers in a proper storage area. 

Tip 12: Don’t Use a Grill or Cookstove Near the Generator 

The flames and gases from a cookstove or barbecue grill can combine with the heat and exhaust from the generator, leading to dangerous fumes or potential explosions. 

When you need emergency services due to inclement weather conditions or a disaster such as a flood, call Insurcomm. Our knowledgeable staff understands proper generator safety. Insurcomm is available 24/7 for any emergency situation to help you when you need it most.